
Find Out Which 'Dream Team' You Belong To

Hey Turtles!
Personally I think, we aren't thinking too much about our dreams, about what we want to earn in this life or just little kind of things that we want to have. I made this test for you to know, how much you do in order to make those dreams come true. If you found out that you're an 'Acceptor', a 'Hopeful' or an 'Ambitious', you'll immediately know what you REALLY have to do. I'm going to write other articles about these groups so you can better know, what to do. Please, make sure you comment below, which Team you belong to, so I know, in my next article, which Team I should write about :) Thanks! x

1.  You feel like you have done everything that is in your power, and just have learned from morning to night in order to get an A in biology, but you  notice that you got a D. What do you think?

  • A: 'Ah...whatever! I did everything that I could, but if they feel this way, I can accept it.'
  • B: 'What? But I learned a lot ... well it might have been even more in order to get a better note'
  • C: 'What??? I don't believe it! I couldn't have learned more than that. I did everything in order to succeed... well I don't understand. What happened to my note?'

2. You're in a foreign town. You heard that if you throw a coin in a fountain and wish for something, that will be met within 24 hours. What do you do?

  • A: I don't do anything, because it's true that I really want to go to a concert of my favourite band, I know it can't be met within 24 hours.
  • B: I throw a coin in the fountain, I close my eyes and with all my strength I concentrate on my dream.
  • C: I throw not one, but at least three coins in the fountain, hoping that at least three of my many dreams will be fulfilled.

3. Since your childhood, your dream is to become the prom queen at the school ball one day. Now you got a chance. What do you do?

  • A: I don't care, because I know that only my best friends would vote for me. A lot of girls are in the school, who are more beautiful than me.
  • B: I'm applying, because why not?
  • C: I'm obviously applying to be the prom queen, because I have as much chance as the others. In addition, I ask all my friends to ask all their friends to vote for me, because I'm dreaming about it for a very long time.

4. You want to be an actress, and there is a casting in the town for a movie. What do you do?

  • A: I don't apply yet, but I go to estimate how much chance would I have, if I'd apply.
  • B: I apply and I do it anxiously, then I hope all day that my phone will be ringing.
  • C: It's completely sure that I apply, because I want to be an actress, right? Then I call the directors all day and ask when do I find out whether I got into the cast.

5. You find 10$ on the sidewalk, when you're walking alone on the street. What do you do?

  • A: I don't pick it up, because it's not mine and the "owner" will be surely searching for it.
  • B: I take it into my wallet and buy a new shirt in my favourite store, because of SALE.
  • C: I take it into my wallet and then at home I put it into my piggy bank, in which I collect the money for the holiday.

6. Your favorite singer from your favorite band just followed you on Twitter. What do you do?

  • A: I can't believe it happened, so I check it thousand times to make sure it's true and then I watch a movie.
  • B: I just stare the notification, then I cry and I tweet him to thank him for the follow.
  • C: I'm jumping up and down and maybe I cry and then send him lots of direct messages, if he doesn't respond for a several days, I'll be very sad.

7.. It's summer break, and you have lots of plans, but your dream is that you can visit America one day. What do you do during summer?

  • A: I read, I shop, I go to the beach, I sleep for a long time and I use the internet.
  • B: I read, I shop, I go to the beach and I do some student work.
  • C: I will do everything in order to collect a lot of money during the three month break, but I'm also on vacation.

8.. You are invited to a party, you're absolutely in no mood to go, but later it comes to your knowledge that your crush will also be there. What are you doing?

  • A: I don't go because I can see him at other times too, but I still don't feel like I could go to the party.
  • B: I'm thinking a lot about it, but in the end I go to the party just to see him.
  • C: Immediately I decide to go to the party where I'll talk with him.


If most of your answers were A's:

The Acceptor: You're realist, you can notice if your dreams have been far exceeded the verge of reality, so you don't really want to fight for them. You accept that not everyone can become a millionaire or rich superstar. You live your life so happily as you just can. But sometimes the acceptance you take is too much, because it happens many times that you think the smaller ones are big, too. That's why you do nothing so that they can become a reality. In this case it's just going to be worse to yourself ...

If most of your answers were B's:

The Hopeful: Around the dreams, you're the one who is in the 'golden mean'. You know which dreams are the ones you could realize, and which ones can you hardly. So it's quite suspected that sometimes your dreams come true. But there are 'bigger ones' that you tag with the label 'I can't achieve them'... well in this case you won't achieve them. You're hoping they can come true, too, but since you squeeze them behind your back, unfortunately, they won't become true...

If most of your answers were C's:

The Ambitious: Well, you can call yourself really lucky, at least people around you are constantly telling you about it. Not sure if you can always admit it to yourself. The fact is that you're aware of the availability of dreams, but even they're big, even they seem unreachable, you want to achieve all one by one. You work a lot to get all those wishes, even if it involves a lot of sweat and work. It's all honorable, but with you, the problem is that sometimes you don't realize how lucky you are, how many of your dreams came true. You still want to achieve more and more. The question is whether there is more...

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