A Perfect Ten, @lindakage
Let your hair down, Caroline, they said. It'll be fun, they said.I know I've closed myself off in a major way over the past year, ever since “the incident” where I messed up my life completely. It's past time I try to live again or just give up altogether. But this is quite possibly the craziest thing I've ever done. In a last ditch effort to invigorate myself, I'm standing outside Oren Tenning's bedroom, I just peeled off the sexiest pair of underwear I own, and my hand is already raised to knock. My brother would disown me for doing anything with his best friend, and he'd probably kill Oren. But if I play my cards right, no one will ever know about this. Not even Ten.Maybe after tonight, I’ll finally get over this stupid, irrational crush I hate having on the biggest jerk I’ve ever met. Or maybe I’ll just end up falling for him even harder. Maybe I’ll discover there’s so much more to my crude, carefree hunk than meets the eye.
- It was fucking awesome! Best. Book. Ever.
Fifth book in the Forbidden Men series, by Linda Kage. Again, the official Facebook group with the author herself is called ‘Forbidden Men Lovers’, in case you want to join. Plus, there are some really interesting, must-read information in Linda’s website. You need to go to the ‘Bookshelf’, and then to the ‘Forbidden Men Series Page’. Look for the small, blue link.
And yes, I copy-pasted this from the fourth book, right here.
Okay, this book is my favorite in this series, as I previously told you. I can't believe it actually has five out of five stars, but it deserves them.
There's a quote I need to add, so here it goes:
"Damn, I had a freaking stalker.I grinned, because having a stalker was kind of hot. Crazy chicks are so much more interesting than the sane ones.'See you then' I said.To which she immediately responded, 'No, you won't. You better not see shit. I said no lights.'I shook my head and chuckled under my breath. This woman really did have a mouth on her. That was so awesome. 'Fine. Touch you then? Lick you then? Fuck you then? Which term do you prefer, princess?''Any of those will do. Thank you.''Okay, fine. Lick you later then, baby.'Looking forward to it. Goodnight Oren.'[...]But it felt wrong not to respond, so I typed, 'Night, Midnight Visitor.' "
"Lick you later, babe." I mean, holy shit Oren. I love you.
This is my favorite book for many reasons. One of them is the characters and their personalities. I feel far more identified with them than with the others. I'm usually some kind of reading-obssesed mixture of Caroline Gamble and Oren Tenning. They're also the kind of people I'd get along with, unlike Quinn and Zoey, for example.
Again, the characters are complex, have their own past and it affects them and the way they are in that present day. I love that.
Another reason is the plot. It's got the same structure every book in this series has, but don't think for one moment they can't be unpredictable because they are. And A perfect Ten is the most unpredictable of all. I fucking love this book.
So, there's another quote I love so fucking much, but it's got spoilers so if you haven't read the book yet, DO NOT READ THE SPOILERS, IT'S A HUGE ONE AND IT'LL RUIN THE WHOLE BOOK FOR YOU.
"Gripping her head between my hands , I whispered a harsh hiss. 'Damn it, Caroline. You started this. You came to me and tricked me into playing with you. Now you have me. Your brother is going to kill us both for this , so you better make it worth our while. You better sit up there and fuck me like you meant to the first night you came into this room, wearing no panties.' "
I just loved this book and I won't get sick of saying it. You. Need. To. Read. This. Series.
Malena Winderbaum